Thursday, April 18, 2013


I've never been one to truly "enjoy" running. I used to do it out of wanting to get in shape or because I've felt overly lazy and needed to kick myself into gear, but I don't enjoy it. On the other hand I truly enjoy exercising, in sports that is. I would run up and down a basketball court for hours over running on the track or outside. Treadmills are even worse! They hurt my joints and I feel like I'm an out-of-shape hamster on a wheel going nowhere.

I have been feeling so out of shape and lazy lately. Basketball has been over for a little while now, and Monday's pick-up ball has been postponed because of finals and spring break. I decided it was time for both Ethan and I to get out and go exercise. I thought to myself, "This could be fun, we're running together." Right..

We started running and the cold air pierced my lungs. I'm an in-through-my-nose-out-through-my-mouth type of girl. Not yesterday, I forget how hard it is to run in cold and windy weather. Then my ears felt like they were going to fall off. We had a destination, but I stopped us a little bit before. I said let's stop here, walk around this neighborhood and then run back. Bad choice. I've always had this thing where anytime I haven't been running for a while and I decide to start up again, the moment I stop, I get stomach cramps that will knock me down. Poor Ethan, I was almost hyperventilating they hurt so bad. I was just trying not to pass out/throw up. We walked back the rest of the way, with a few stops here and there. When we finally got to our street, I was feeling much better and decided to sprint the rest of the way home. No pain, no cramps.

I think that's what I'm going to stick to. I can handle sprinting, no distance. I guess no marathons in my future and I'm OK with that!

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