Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Little miss frump

I have issues (not like major issues, but issues). I'm fully aware. I get into these funks and then I get out of them. Sometimes I'm able to pull myself out of them before they start, and sometimes I'm in it for the long hall with them (maybe a week).

Yesterday I could feel a funk coming on. It stemmed from this weekend. I mentioned here that my amazingly talented best friend Brennan (B. Beautiful) was playing dress up with me. I loved the make up! I swear this girl has so much make up, I wouldn't even know where to start!

Let me go back a few years. I was a senior in high school and I was in Denver for Christmas with most of my family. My sister was taking my senior pictures. The first day we went out and it was great. The second day my sister-in-law Jandi mentioned maybe changing up my makeup (mine was pretty dark). I took her advice and she did my makeup. I loved it, and I've done it that way, pretty much, since.

Fast forward to now. I still do my makeup that way because I'm comfortable that I know how to do that. After this weekend, I realized I'm frumpy (hence my oncoming funk). I need a change. I need to change up my hair and makeup.

I went shopping and got new makeup products to avoid the funk. I'm hoping it'll help. I feel like an awkward 13 year old girl again trying to learn makeup again. This is going to be a challenge.

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