Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Quilt progress

Like I mentioned back here, one of my projects was to make a quilt. I got inspiration from a quilt on Pinterest, but she actually sells her quilts so she didn't have a tutorial on how to make it. I started looking up how to make a herringbone quilt and finally came up with pattern and a way to do it. I realized a little too late that I should probably create a tutorial for it, but I got into and didn't think twice and now I'm at the point where I don't want to go back. But, if I ever make another one, I'll try to remember to write down how I do it. Here is the sketch that I started out with (the paper is a little wrinkled). This drawing alone gave me hope that it would turn out decent!
Right now I have all of the squares cut out and most of them are pressed. The next step is trimming the little tips on either end of the seam.
Those squares were a little more time consuming than I realized.
I'm excited to finish it though! For some people, the project is all about the process. Not so much for me. For me, it's all about the finished product.

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