Tuesday, May 14, 2013


I don't know about anyone else, but I loathe dandelions. Maybe it's because they take over everything, or maybe it's because it reminds me of being a kid and my dad making us get all of them out by the root with our hands a a little garden tool. We probably only spent an hour or so each time, but it felt like an eternity back then.

I as I was driving to work last week, I noticed that they were everywhere. I didn't really pay attention on the way back, but I was explaining to Ethan how they were completely covering all of the lawns and fields. We went out that evening to take some pictures of them, but they were gone! They were all gone! Some people had mowed their lawns so they were gone, but other's had already gone to seed. Ethan didn't believe me that they were there.

Fast forward to the next day, I walk outside and see the field on the other side of our street and I see this:
I told Ethan to come look. He couldn't believe they had come up out of no where. We drove by the other lawns we had driven by the evening before, and they were all over those again as well! I knew I wasn't crazy.

I suppose they're decent to look at when they're not taking over my own lawn, but those things go to seed quick so you have to get them before they blow everywhere and create more dandelions!

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