Friday, June 14, 2013

Mr. Ham

This little guy is such a ham. He can go from tantrum to smiles in .03 seconds. We had spent all day in Boise and he was doing great, but a two year old can only handle not having a nap for so long. We were at our last stop--Costco--and he was at the end of his rope. We had just checked out through the line and were getting some treats for the kids for being so good all day. I decided to get a smoothie.

Bennett is at the stage where he wants to do everything for himself. Unfortunately for him, frozen yogurt with a spoon is not something we were going to let him do by himself in the car. The tantrum started, and to keep from causing a scene, I let him drink some of my smoothie, by himself, and he was giddy.
I'm pretty sure he drank about half of it, but it was quite entertaining to watch him get so excited about being able to drink the smoothie all by himself. I guess I'll just take the role as the favorite aunt because I give treats. I'm ok with that. How could I not with that face?

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