Wednesday, June 5, 2013

I've got mail

I feel like a little kid on Christmas waiting to open my present. Unfortunately it's not in my house already, it's in the mail waiting to be picked up after work at the UPS store. I have waiting almost a year for it and it will be in my happy little hands today! I finally bought myself a new Macbook Pro and I am on pins and needles waiting!

My computer started dying on me my last semester of college (after a hard, beaten life I had given it as a student). I took it into the Apple store to see what was wrong with it. They basically told me that my computer was dying and I should really start backing up my files if I wanted to be able to access them at all! That freaked me out enough to keep me from using my computer. I think since I've graduated, I've opened it all of 10 times, if that.

I have a feeling this one will probably last a bit longer since I won't be hauling it back and forth to school everyday and spending endless hours of homework and whatever else it may be on it. But I can't wait to finally have all of the Adobe programs and start playing around with something that I studied in school again!

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