Friday, January 18, 2013


Last night Ethan, Victor (our single friend that we've taken in like family and has been crashing on our couch for a couple weeks), and I went to the gym. They usually go to work out, and I stay in the I-Center to play basketball with a group of girls that get together on Mondays and Thursdays.

Somehow I didn't get the memo that the girls weren't playing. I was so annoyed because I came to the gym, in the cold, and even went as far as to shave my legs! In my frustration I sat on the side of one of the courts while Ethan and Vic shot around. Once the pick up game we were watching was over, Ethan and Vic joined the next game which happened to have another girl that I play with all the time. I decided to play and it was awesome. We got a couple of games in before it started getting late and people started to leave.

The boys wanted to play a round of 21, so I decided to find an empty court to shoot. I probably shot 400+ times and it felt so good. I was shooting well and it felt like I was in high school again. I shot around for a good hour or more and loved every second.

Fast forward to this morning: I could barely get out of bed I was so sore! My lower back was killing me, my shoulders and neck were tight, and my arms felt like Jell-O. I may only be 23 but I am feeling old after a day which, a few years ago, never would have affected me. It was definitely not my proudest moment.

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