Monday, September 30, 2013

The windy city

I'm pretty sure whoever nicknamed Chicago the "windy city" never stepped foot in Rexburg during this time of the year.

Yesterday as I was getting into the car after church, my scarf and hair were flying everywhere! I got one foot in and was sitting in my seat getting ready to step in with the other foot when the wind whipped my door back and smashed my foot. It hurt so dang bad! Luckily, I'm fairly resilient and maintained my composure and drove home. Then today the wind gusts were 26 mph. I was walking on the college's campus after a meeting and it literally almost knocked me over.

I've been to Chicago, and it has some wind, but seriously, Rexburg is getting a little bit out of control.


  1. Well the saints said that they were going to leave as soon as the wind stopped blowing.
