Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Be still my soul

Sometimes I feel like I have everything going for me. Things are great at work and home, I feel accomplished and everything is going right. These are the days that I wish I could remember to cherish because, unfortunately, they don't seem to come around a lot. Most of the time things are decent. Nothing spectacular, but overall life is pretty good. Then I have "my days."

These days are filled with frustration, stress, annoyances and whatever else may come. It seems like on these days I can't catch a break. It's always one thing after another. It's great to have positive people around you in times like this, but it can also cause me to dip down even further. Sometimes I need to vent, sometimes I need to cry, and sometimes I just need to have my time to feel however I want because it seems if I don't take the time to get it out, it'll accumulate and nothing gets resolved. That's where I am. I'm needing my time. 

Yet, it seems when I am in need of "my time", I somehow find this song and it makes my day just a little bit better. 

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