Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Nixon's drawer

I mentioned in the last post that Nixon has been sleeping in our drawer. I thought I would post a picture showing how roomy it is. It's not some tiny drawer, so I don't want anyone to call CPS on us. This was taken one of the first nights home with him, but he still fits in wonderfully. We got this bed from Ikea when we moved here and when we didn't have a place for him to sleep, one of these gigantic storage drawers was open, so we thought, "Why not?"
It's the perfect answer to our debacle, and it's continued to work for us!


  1. oh my gosh that picture kills me!! That drawer is an awesome idea, it's just like one of those "co-sleeper" beds you would have to pay a ton for, but built into your bed, and free!!

  2. I could never do that. I move around too much and blankets fall off the bed.
