Tuesday, October 22, 2013

My bucket list

I was looking through some of my old files from my old computer and I came across a bucket list I made in my Business 101 class. I got a laugh out of some of them, but some of them I really think could happen.
My Bucket List
(In no particular order)
1.    Travel the world (Rome, Italy, Ireland, Scotland-Just to name a few)
2.    Graduate from BYU-Idaho while maintaining my full tuition scholarship. (Check)
3.    Get married in the Salt Lake City temple with all of my family surrounding me. (Check)
4.    Go to Washington D.C. and visit the Holocaust museum.
5.    See “Phantom of the Opera” on Broadway.
6.    Work for the NBA or a profession basketball team.
7.    Serve a foreign mission with my husband.
8.    Go skydiving and bungee jumping.
9.    Meet the Prophet.
10.  Build the house of my dreams and raise my family in it.
11.  Have my children know their grandparents.
12.  Go to a winter Olympics.
13.  Learn about my ancestors and do their genealogy work.
14.  Donate my hair to Locks of Love.
15.  Be wealthy but live modestly.
16.  Meet and marry a man who encompasses those things I love about my father and brothers. (Check)
17.  Become my mother when I have children.
18.  Attend the temple with my husband at least once a month.
19.  Pay for a random persons order.
20.  Buy my first car with cash.
21.  Visit the concentration camps in Germany.
22.  Learn to play the cello.
23.  Ride in a stretch hummer limo.
24.  Be in NYC on New Year’s Eve.
25.  Have a timeshare.
26.  Make it on the big screen at a sporting event.
27.  Be part of a flash mob.
28.  Go to the Harry Potter world in Disney World.
29.  Go to England with my parents and meet some of the people my dad baptized on his mission.
30.  Own a motorcycle
31.  Have season tickets for a professional basketball team.
32.  Go on a cruise with my husband and my best friend (with her husband).
33.  Make a difference in someone’s life.
34.  Be in two places at one time
35.  Tell my parents often how much I love them and appreciate them.
36.  Be fluent in a foreign language.
37.  Ride a camel in Egypt.
38.  Write a book about my life so my children and future generations can know about me.
39.  Go Parasailing.
40.  Ride in a hot air balloon.
41.  Take a picture in front of the Eiffel Tower.
42.  Go scuba diving with sharks.
43.  Kiss the Blarney Stone.
44.  Have President Uchtdorf fly me in a plane. 
45.  Go on the Balmoral cruise that retraces the path of the Titanic on April 12- April 20 in 2012. (Not happening, too late!)
46.  Have the strength to do the things that I want to do, especially in my older ages.
47.  Watch a sunset and sunrise in the same day with my husband on a beach.
48.  Don’t be afraid to take risks.
49.  Write a song on my guitar and have it published.

50.  Be spontaneous and never take life too seriously.

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